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Consultants’ Comments

  • “I like the viscosity of the light body–little to no voids, bubbles or drags.”
  • “The heavy-bodied material extruded easily compared with most heavy-bodied materials. The light- and heavy-bodied materials always blended together seamlessly and the heavy-bodied material provided excellent detail without drag.”
  • “Easy to use, fast setting, good color contrast and good flow.”
  • “The setting times seemed to be slower than indicated in the instructions.”
  • “Put light and x-light materials in small syringes.”


Panasil is a line of addition-curing silicones (VPS) impression materials with hydrophilic properties. A variety of six viscosities and two set times exists. Panasil can be used for one- or two-step crown-and-bridge impression techniques as well as denture and reline impressions. Three viscosities of the fast-set material were evaluated: Panasil tray fast and Panasil initial contact light fast and x-light fast. Panasil tray fast is a heavy-bodied material for use in the tray and for functional impressions. Panasil initial contact fast is a syringeable impression material for capturing fine detail around prepared teeth and soft tissue. Panasil initial contact fast has a working time of one minute with an intraoral setting time of two minutes; total setting time is three minutes. Panasil initial contact light fast is available in 50-ml automix cartridges. Panasil tray fast is also available in 50ml cartridges and 380 ml jumbo cartridges for use in an automixer. Each box contains two 50ml cartridges with 6 mixing tips. Each 380ml jumbo refill back contains 2 jumbo cartridges. Dynamic mixing tips can be purchased seperately. Panasil received a 96% clinical rating.

Clinical Observations

Manufacturer’s Instructions/Packaging

Consultants rated instructions and packaging as good. It was suggested that light and x-light materials be packaged in small syringes.

Ease of Mixing

Consultants reported that Panasil was easy to mix. The heavy-bodied material extruded easily compared to most heavy-bodied materials.

Viscosity of Light/X-Light/Tray Material

Eighty-one percent of consultants used a one-step technique and 67% preferred the heavy-body/light-body combination. The light/x-light material blends seamlessly with the tray material.

Working/Setting Time

Working times received a high rating. Consultants observed that setting times seemed to be slower than indicated in the instructions.

Ease of Removal from Mouth

Ease of removal of impressions from the mouth received a good rating.


Taste and scent received good ratings.

Tear Resistance

No tearing was reported, and labs could pour the impressions multiple times.


Consultants reported that Panasil had excellent detail. The tray material provided excellent detail without drag.

Lack of Voids/Bubbles

Consultants reported that Panasil had few to no bubbles when mixed.

Color Contrast/Ease of Reading Margins

The good color contrast of Panasil enhances the ability to read detail in the impression.

Overall Rating

Forty-three percent of consultants reported that Panasil was better, whereas 57% reported it was the same as their current impression material. Seventy-one percent would switch and 95% would recommend it.

Clinical Tip

  • Wait a little bit longer than the recommended setting time to ensure complete set.

*Not for use, sale and distribution in Germany